“Most Men in Zimbabwe are Homose*ual” – Thata
27 April 2018

By Nomazulu Thata | Nowhere else but in Zimbabwe where prostitutes are allowed to display their profession at the Trade Fair. The patriarch at its ugliest!  All consumers of this trade are men.


We should excuse this as absolute ignorance from the Trade Fair Authorities about prostitution as a trade to display it openly to be assessed by foreigners too. David Coltart tried to give a pertinent explanation: but this country has gone to the dogs. Prostitution is something we should be ashamed of as the means for the young women and girls to survive the economic downturn. Prostitution in Zimbabwe is driven by poverty, drug-abuse /alcohol-taking and homelessness on young women and girls. Most young girls do not enjoy sex per se but is a means to get money to survive.

In Shona they say Nhamo inhamo zvayo; asi amai havaroodzwe. This would mean that it did not matter how poor a home can be, a mother can never be sold for a piecemeal because of poverty in the home: it is just taboo. Now it seems there is nothing called taboo in Zimbabwe anymore. The poverty levels have reached alarming proportions, seemingly unstoppable by the government mismanagement and the global economic developments. Is Zimbabwe a country to be proud of if the morals of the society have decayed this low? The moral fibres of the societies have reached the lowest levels: display of prostitution at the Trade Fair is the last thing a decent country can do. In this country called Zimbabwe, there are no morals anymore to talk about, this country is a jungle book and jungle laws in the sense of the word: young girls sell their bodies without remorse; put up with the absolute rough masculinity of sexual nature and cruelty of hard-core sexual intercourse from an unknown man.
We read in social media with absolute disgust how children at the age of nine to 13 and above do not fear the red lights anymore. Very young children are de-vaginated with impunity by the most unscrupulous men who have no respect for growing children and young women whatsoever. In those red lights, it’s not conventional sex as we know it but hardcore sexual practices that range from mouth sex, anal sex, and most men in Zimbabwe are as a matter of fact homosexuals. They give vaginal sexual intercourse to their wives: but out there in the red lights, it’s all but to experience sex differently. During the day he is a good father and husband but at night when he goes for those red lights, turns into a beast, dastardly, wicked, cruel!!!
Most men who visit these red lights are already sick of sexually transmitted diseases: ST.D.They have nothing to lose as they have already caught the diseases due to their carelessness. They have the money so they will demand sex without condoms, anal:  mouth: the lying style in the way he wants, different positions in the way he wants it. A woman who is selling her body has no said that moment of engagement; she is at the mercy of this man who wants it as he wishes. The woman has to endure the pain to please the immediate client. Anal sexual intercourse is not without tearing of the inner levels of anal opening. Oral sexual intercourse makes some women choke for breath because of genital-sperm discharge they have to endure this until the man is sexually satisfied! This is what women in the red lights have to put up with. It is the uttermost perverse and rudeness of life they have to cope with day in day out degrading sexual acts, beasty acts at children as old as ten years old. Sometimes these girls and young women are as old as their own offspring at homes. They don’t care at all. It is this patriarch men sexual drive to please himself that moment he wanted it. He pays anywhere.
They are not remunerated after man only sexual pleasures but are insulted, kahure: Voetzek! The girl has no power to demand what belongs to her after the service would have given. This masculinity: evil intentions of patriarchate comes out: the girls are sometimes beaten up severely for demanding what is their due after those horrible acts of sexual crimes against humanity. Most men in Zimbabwe do not respect children who are not their offspring. This simply means the country’s UBUNTU escaped us long back; and when UBUNTU escaped us, it never said “goodbye” said Malema! There are no values of humankind to speak about anymore if prostitutes are allowed to display their trademarks at the National Trade Fair: in Bulawayo: a decadent society.
Genital warts
What makes women and girls not afraid of catching the disease called HIV-AIDS, gonorrhoea, syphilis, Chlamydia, thrush, genital herpes befuddles the mind. These women actually know the dangers of red lights business but surrendered to their fate long back. We read almost on a daily basis how even married women engage in extramarital relationship to boost their home incomes. These women give themselves to those men customers who will demand anal sexual intercourse: it is an in-thing in Zimbabwe for men to demand anal sexual intercourse. We can sincerely say that most men in Zimbabwe are homosexuals. Men too are mostly are the people who spread STD to women because they do not want the use of condoms, and they engage prostitutes knowing too well that they are STD infected.
It is mostly the statistics on social media houses, how many times do they report cases of married women in the red lights, eking out a living through prostitution are harmed by their husbands if they are caught. Femicide in Zimbabwe is in some cases women who have been caught in extramarital relationships: just to get another means to get extra income. It would appear that the number of prostitutes nationally grows every day. Those trade statistics should scare us all: 44,000 prostitutes in Zimbabwe is an alarmingly big number and never to make jokes about it. Zimbabwe has lost precious human resources forever. It will not be possible to retrain those women for any other life transformations.
Gonorrhoea symptoms
Zimbabwe is the signatory to the UN-Convention of the Rights of the Child: All states should protect children from sexual exploitation including prostitution and involvement in pornography. Again prostitution is illegal in Zimbabwe. Our good question is: where and how did this Prostitution Stand get the permission to display their trade at the International Trade Fair in Bulawayo? How is President Mnangagwa going to do if he sees this Stand for Prostitutes at the Trade Fair 2018? Do we call this “Zimbabwe is open for business Stand to attract client ship?”  There is no place legally for prostitutes or a platform for prostitutes at the Trade fair 2018 at all. In Zimbabwe prostitution is growing but not a booming business to talk about, but a moral dilemma. Prostitution despite its immediate ramifications is pervasive and harms the prostitutes of their wellbeing and in the society as a whole.
Morally prostitution is impermissible in our societies: it must be banned, there should never be regulations of laws regarding prostitution. Resorting to “dirty life” of prostitution is not and should never be a solution to our economic downturn. We have to realize the prostitution is trick-forced women into the trade because of the economic situation we are facing today in Zimbabwe. Prostitution is a dirty trade; it ruins the reputation of the woman more than the man who visits those red lights. Prostitution leaves a woman with bad memories of herself and the actual pervasive sexual act. Her biological body and her emotional self-care violated by a strange man in her moment of giving sex for money. It is this sharing of your body with people you do not like, but the money is the incentive to have sex with him. It is for this reason that prostitution is just a disgusting trade, immoral, degrading to the woman and our girl-children undermines the entire dignity of the girl and the woman. The Google itself say prostitution is the unworthy use of one’s talent to be inventive. Prostitution brings all memories of sadistic sexual acts in her present thought processes: those deep emotions in her biological self-are deeply exposed to a stranger!!!!!!
Herpes at its advanced stage
Notwithstanding: those small houses in Zimbabwe are nothing but refined and defined prostitution. Having two relationships could be harmful to the married woman who is at home unassuming that her husband is disloyal and disrespects the marriage. In retrospect the husband has a second woman whom he nurtures secretly without the knowledge of the wife: they were called sugar daddies not so long ago. It is in these small houses where transmissions of STD diseases take place.
Nobody knows which is which in such constellations or relationships. Who is cheating who? It is a triangle without any demarcation lines: who has slept with whom and who had the disease then at that time? Married men, some of them are pathological liars. Those decent men are the deadliest of them all.
They go to conferences and engage with strange women they do not know, bring in with them STD diseases in the home to an unassuming wife. It is again those cheating men who will tell their wives: “there is a conference in German, I must attend to, it’s paid boarding, ticket and touristic, as a matter of fact, he is visiting some desperado in Germany without a husband. She is going to take care of all costs related to his visit to the German Federal Republic. He will pay nothing at all apart from his presence in this man-less home: isiqu sake nje. (I have in mind the Professor from NUST) Women should be careful about such loose men, they are dangerous, and they import STD from one continent to the next. They speak Christian convincing values by the day, go to Seventh Day Adventist Churches that speak morals, morals they do not practise themselves: but they preach them to get recognition by the day.
There is no price for your body. Accept to be poor than to go for prostitution as the solution to poverty. The body of a woman has no price at all. It cannot be $1 dollar, it cannot be $100 dollars, It cannot be $1000 dollars, it cannot be $1,000,000 dollars. Do not waste your talent on prostitution. Rather seek land-agriculture and work hard to get your decent living than to resort to prostitution. We shall ask politicians of the likes of Jessie Majome, Mildred Mkandla and Mahere to seek reasons why prostitutes were allowed to have a stand at the 2018 Trade Fair. Prostitution is legally not allowed in Zimbabwe!  so why were they there?

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